



阿薩伊(Acai)是全世界最營養抗氧化劑最強的水果之一。創純 Acai 是由整顆阿薩伊漿果,包括黑紫色外果皮、果肉和種子製成。100% 原汁,絕無任何添加劑。每盎司含有 30000 毫克的阿薩伊,蘊藏了豐富的營養,微量礦物質和其他活性複合脂類、醣類以及蛋白質。








The Amazing Açai!

Deep in the Brazilian rainforests is a hidden treasure- a fruit revered by locals for centuries and only recently discovered by the rest of the world. This small, purple fruit, the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee), is gaining popularity worldwide because of new scientific research validating its health benefits, particularly its antioxidant properties. Evidence is emerging that this high-energy berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. 


Research has demonstrated that the acai berry is full of macronutrients, trace minerals and other bioactive compounds, as well as lipids, carbohydrates and protein. The nutrient properties include: Vitamins B, C, D, and E, Folate, Potassium, Beta-carotene, Iodine, Selenium, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Molybdenum, and Zinc. 


In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (JAFC)- a leader among journals in the fields of applied chemistry, nutrition and agriculture- found the acai fruit to be extremely powerful in its antioxidant properties against superoxide (one of the highest ratings reported to date), was also shown to be excellent against the peroxyl radical, and was tested to have the highest reported total ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) of any fruit or vegetable. These findings may have significant value as to this fruit’s antioxidant role in aging and disease.*


Dr. Perricone, whose endorsement of acai on Oprah has brought the fruit extensive attention, asserts that the acai contains:

1. A remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine.*

2. A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytoserols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.*

3. An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contraction and regeneration.*


Besides being touted by Dr. Perricone on Oprah, acai had been discussed on NBC’s Today Show, on Steve O’Brian’s CBS-FM New York radio show, the Wall Street Journal and the Health Sciences Institute who said that “The Açai berry is nature's perfect food. Get the healing power of many phytonutrients in one delicious package".

The publicity and obvious benefits of acai have lead to the emergence of many products containing the fruit, making it more accessible to the world. However, not all “acai” products are the same. Many only contain a fraction of the antioxidant activity of pure acai.

Genesis PURE’s Acai is unique in its benefits. It is 100% pure, wild harvested acai berry juice- nothing added. Our formulation is like no other product. Using proprietary maceration techniques, we capture the entire goodness of the fruit. Our Acai is made from the whole acai berry, including the epicarp (the dark purple/back skin), the mesocarp (the pulpy meat), and the scraping of the endocarp (the seed).

Often, an acai product will tout that it has acai and 15 or so other fruits combined to make up an effective acai drink. In reality, because the juice is diluted by the other fruits, the benefits are far inferior. Genesis PURE Acai reflects its name- it is PURE acai. There are 30,000 mg of pure acai in every 1 fluid ounce serving! Other products require 4-10 bottles of juice to equal the benefits of one bottle of Genesis PURE Acai!



Key benefits of Genesis PURE’s Acai include:

Healthy energy and stamina levels and resistance to fatigue*
Healthy libido*
Supports a healthy gastrointestinal tract*
Supports healthy joints, healthy inflammatory processes*
Digestive function and liver health*
Mental clarity, good focus and a positive mood*
Soothing and calming affects to gastrointestinal systems*
A superior plant-based protein and essential fatty acid food*
Healthy immune system*
Cardiovascular health, including healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels*
Anti-aging and longevity*
Free radical scavenger*
Supple skin, hair and nails*
Cleansing and detoxification*


Genesis PURE Acai should be taken 2-3 times per day with a 1 ounce minimum serving. It is best taken on an empty stomach. Acai contains less than 10 calories per serving and is low in naturally occurring sugar- less than 0.2 g per serving.

Please see product section for more information.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.


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